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What Does a Person With Retinitis Pigmentosa See

What Does a Person With Retinitis Pigmentosa See and How They Live?

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Are you a family member or close friend of someone living with retinitis pigmentosa? There are a few questions on your mind in this situation. Like what does a person with retinitis pigmentosa see, does it get worse with age, and how do live with it?

In this article, we have answered such questions, which will help you to learn about this disease.

Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) is a progressive loss of vision, eventually leading to decreased central vision. 

The disease may also affect night vision at an early stage. Ultimately, a person with RP may become legally blind or completely lose sight.

The progression and extent of vision loss can vary greatly among individuals with RP.

However, some common effects of RP on vision include:

Tunnel Vision:

As RP progresses, peripheral vision is lost, creating the perception of looking through a tunnel.

Night Blindness:

People with RP may have difficulty seeing in low-light conditions.

Blurred or Hazy Vision:

Central vision may become blurry or hazy.

Visual Field Loss:

As more of the retina is damaged, visual field loss can occur, leading to missing areas of vision.

It’s important to note that each person’s experience with RP is unique, and the appearance of their vision loss may vary.

Does Retinitis pigmentosa Get Worse With Age?

Yes, Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) is a progressive disease that typically gets worse over time. 

The progression of RP varies from person to person, but most people with RP experience a gradual loss of peripheral vision and a decline in night vision early on. 

Over time, central vision may become affected, leading to decreased visual acuity and visual field loss. 

There is currently no cure for RP. So it’s important for people with RP to receive regular eye exams and to use assistive devices and adaptations to maintain their independence and quality of life.

What is it Like Living With Retinitis Pigmentosa?

Living with Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) can be challenging as it causes progressive vision loss. Here are some of the difficulties that people with RP may face:

Mobility Challenges:

Decreased peripheral vision can make it difficult to navigate unfamiliar environments and increase the risk of falls.

Decreased Independence:

RP can limit the ability to perform daily tasks, such as cooking, reading, and driving.

Social Isolation:

Vision loss can lead to social isolation and a decrease in overall quality of life.

Emotional Impact:

 RP can cause depression, anxiety, and stress.

However, with proper support and adaptation, people with RP can live fulfilling and meaningful lives.

Assistive devices, such as low-vision aids, can help with daily activities, and support from family and friends can be invaluable. 

Joining a retinitis pigmentosa support group  can also provide a sense of community and help with emotional well-being.

We hope this article helped you learn about what does a person with retinitis pigmentosa see and feels. You may also want to see our guide related to retinitis pigmentosa treatment, symptoms, and causes.

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